Myanmar’s Response on the Interactive Dialogue with the so-called Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar at the 58th Session of the Human Rights Council

(Geneva, 20 March 2025)

–         The second Interactive Dialogue on Myanmar was held on 19 March 2025 and on 20 March 2025 at the ongoing 58th session of the Human Rights Council with the so-called Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar without allowing the participation of the country-concerned.

–         While the report praises the violence and armed attacks committed by armed terrorist organizations as if success of resistance groups, the people of Myanmar who inspired for democratic future realize that democracy could not emerge from such brutal armed groups. The local population has witnessed their inhumane acts, which have resulted in the deaths of over 8,700 innocent civilians. Despite the report slightly mentions atrocities committed by terrorist groups, the so-called Special Rapporteur failed to talk about it during the Interactive Dialogue. Such intentionally omission of concrete information sheds the light on subjective nature of the report and raises concerns about the impartiality of the mandate as a whole.

–         Although some countries and UN mandate holders call on Myanmar to restore democracy, they reprehend the endeavours of the Government to hold free and fair election. Preparation for the election by the end of this year or early next year is underway. Despite 56 political parties have registered, some did not do so of their own volition. While elections are fundamental and a prerequisite for a genuine democratic system, Myanmar categorically rejects the prejudgment made by the so-called Special Rapporteur.

–         In light of attacks by AA terrorist group intensified in Rakhine State, Myanmar assists the relocations of the international organizations due to security concern. The Government has allocated over 2.5 thousand tons of rice for displaced persons in Rakhine State. Myanmar calls clarification from UNDP to explain the methodologies it used to reach such conclusion including reported potential famine in Rakhine State taking into account of the nature of the report which does not fall within the mandate and competence of the organization.  Myanmar is a self-sufficient country, it exports 2.5 million tons of rice every year. However, it experiences increase of food price due to economic restrictions imposed by certain western countries.

–         With regard to online scamming, Myanmar found out that the criminal networks are active not only in Myanmar but also in other countries in the region and most of the perpetrators are not Myanmar citizens. Similarly, the criminal networks target the population outside of Myanmar. Such groups, however, use certain remote areas in Myanmar’s territory. Due to such transnational nature of criminal activities, Myanmar has been working with neighbouring countries. Incomplete narrative portrayed by the so-called Special Rapporteur to discredit the Government of Myanmar questions his professionalism.

–         16 UN agencies in Myanmar with field presence in all states and regions have been working on humanitarian assistance with over 10,000 staff. Travel access including entry visas, stay permit extensions, and the signing or extension of MOUs/ LOAs,has been facilitated and the Government granted over 1,081 times of travel access to UN agencies and more than 290 visits of embassies throughout Myanmar from 2021 to 2024. As a matter of principle, humanitarian assistance is to be delivered at the request of concerned-country.

–         The so-called Special Rapporteur again provoked member states to impose unilateral coercive measures against Myanmar in contrary to the international law and the UN Charter. The only competent body of the United Nations to make such recommendation is the United Nations Security Council while the recommendations contained therein go far beyond the mandate of the Human Rights Council. Myanmar reminds the so-called Special Rapporteur that it will not tolerate any attempt to infringe sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

–         The Myanmar Mission’s official website serves as an excellent source of detailed observations on the report of the so-called Special Rapporteur.

–         Since the so-called Special Rapporteur has no authority to dictate how member states should treat Myanmar, the Government strongly rejects his presentation, recommendations and the report as a whole. Meanwhile, Myanmar expresses its appreciation to the delegations which made balanced and constructive statements.

Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations