(Geneva, 3 March 2025)
The Interactive Dialogue of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights’ oral update on Myanmar was held on 28 February 2025 and 3 March 2025 at the 58th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Holdinga one-sided interactive dialogue without allowing the participation of the country-concerned contradicts the principles of constructive international dialogue and cooperation as envisaged in resolution A/RES/60/251, which established the Council.
During the interactive dialogue, the High Commissioner and some countries mentioned intensified fighting of armed groups in Myanmar. When one talks about violence in Myanmar, it would not be fair if the atrocities committed by the terrorist groups were neglected or downplayed. It is unfortunate to witness the disinformation campaigns of terrorist groups have been circulating in the Council particularly in connection with Kyauk Ni Maw and Butalin incidents by ignoring their active terror activities there. The international community should not be biased and well understand the situation on the ground that the people of Myanmar has been facing significant challenges due to the action of armed groups which continue to commit acts of terrorism in the name of democracy and federalism. While the Government has the right to protect its own people from the terrorists acts which have claimed the lives of over 8,600 innocent civilians, it opens the door for dialogue as democracy goals cannot be achieved without peace.
Even the Country Reports on Terrorism – CRT 2022 published by the U.S. Department of State has included the lawlessness of PDF terrorist groups and claimed that they are responsible for 50 percent of the total incidents in Myanmar in 2022. These PDF terrorists are backed by certain EAOs by providing combat trainings, sanctuary and arms and ammunitions. These EAOs themselves largely depend on unlawful activities such as narcotic trade, human trafficking and smuggling, online scamming and illegal extraction and exporting scarce natural resources of the country.
On 26 September 2024, the Government extended invitation to the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs), terrorist insurgents and PDF terrorists to resolve the political issues through party politics or electoral processes by discarding armed terrorist way. A total of 114 peace negotiations have been conducted – with seven Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) signatory groups and six non-signatory groups.
The Government is dedicated to restoring peace and security and fostering a multiparty democratic system within the existing constitutional framework. Myanmar has been prioritizing necessary preparations for the elections in the near future after the accomplishment of the provisions of the State of Emergency in accordance with the State Constitution. The Union Election Commission is committed to ensuring fair and systematic election where all eligible voters exercise their right to vote. Concurrently, population and household census was conducted in October 2024 as the baseline for voter lists. As of 27 February 2025, 56 political parties have been officially registered.
In connection with figures contained in the oral update, Myanmar never receives convincing explanations from relevant UN agencies of methodologies in developing such exaggerated number and it, therefore, forces Myanmar to reject them.
While Myanmar shares the concerns expressed by the international community with regard to Rakhine State, it should be noted that the repatriation process has been hindered by provoked attacks of the AA terrorist group and Myanmar Government reiterates its readiness to receive all verified returnees if and when security conditions allow. Myanmar Government signed the Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding with the UNDP and UNHCR in 2018 and it has been extended annually.
In connection with humanitarian assistance, there are 16 UN agencies in Myanmar with field presence in all states and regions across the country. The Government facilitated over 1,000 (1081) times of travel access to UN agencies and more than 290 visits of Embassies from 2021 to 2024. The Government has also facilitated 30 official visits of senior officials of the UN and International Organizations to Myanmar since 2021. In cooperation with ASEAN, phase-1 humanitarian assistance to Myanmar with the support of the AHA Centre has completed. Under Phase 2, food and non-food items have been distributed to the people in need in Sagaing, Pakokku, Seikphyu, Magway, Nyaung Shwe, Taunggyi, Kalaw, Hsihseng, Monywa, and Hpa-an Townships amounting to over USD 2.85 million as of 22 September 2024.
As a matter of principle, Myanmar consistently opposes country-specific mandates and resolutions as well as their follow-up interactive dialogues that selectively target certain countries on political ground under the pretext of human rights. Myanmar reiterates its firm objection on holding country-specific Interactive Dialogue and rejects the statements with distorted figures that dictate and interfere in internal affairs of Myanmar made by the High Commissioner and some delegations.
Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations